Episode 20 - Mental Health and Mindfulness - The Huddle Show

Episode 20 - Mental Health and Mindfulness - The Huddle Show

Publish Date
April 8, 2016
Season Two
Mental Health Mindfulness
Show Notes

This week Caitlyn is joined by Lily Morgan from Smiling Mind, an app that supports mindfulness and meditation right from your pocket, and the occupational therapist Kirsten Taylor. We discuss the cross-cultural benefits of “dropping into your senses” through meditation and mindfulness, and how these practices apply within hugely different contexts going from hospitals in New Zealand to community leaders in the Northern Territory to girls in Africa. Some questions we explore are: - Shared experiences, regardless of mental state and/or culture, can foster connections between people that language might not - Asserting that mindfulness and meditation is a workplace activity - Shifting mindsets towards viewing time as an ally rather than an enemy in life and work - Balancing technology addiction through mindfulness, where smart phones challenge and reduce our ability for contemplation and reflection Today’s mystery question is “If you went to jail, what would it be for and why did you end up there?” Lily shares her thoughts on “Mating in Captivity” by Esther Perel, and Kirsten shares a reading from Michael Leunig’s “Curlyverse”, specifically “A Book” and “Sitting on the Fence”. Caitlyn is reading “Conscious Marketing” by Carolyn Tate.


Season 2